Helping you decide what support you need


If you are worried about a relative and think you might like to know more about employing a Carer, Companion or Housekeeper, we can help.

Our specialist recruitment team are here to listen and help you understand what your family needs and advise you on what kind of support is right for you or your relative. You can call us to discuss your concerns, whether it’s an elderly relative with an illness, or perhaps someone you love who can’t do as much as they once could around the house, and you feel some practical help could make life easier for them. It could be that you need help with managing some of the support you already provide and you want someone to be on-hand. The Lady specialist recruitment team are professionally trained in how to deal with all your care concerns, in a sensitive and discreet manner.

It might be that you have concerns over your own health and wellbeing, or that you are at an age where your children have grown and are busy with their own lives and you would like a companion to share your day with, or someone to help you remember things and take you to your appointments. Perhaps you’d like to have someone cook for you and help you in the garden a little. In the first instance, if you are concerned about your own health, we advise going to your GP. However, we can help you further by discussing employing a Carer, Companion, if your GP also thinks it a good idea.

Sometimes it’s not easy for extended family to be there for an elderly relative. Work and children take up a lot of younger people’s lives. It can be a relief to have someone there for you that you know is entirely there to support your needs. Our Carer, Companions and Housekeepers and of course all our top candidates are hand-picked and have already been through a rigorous selection process of interviews and checks.

We only place people that we truly believe make the grade to be in your house, supporting you.

Call us now on 0203 857 9945 to talk to our specialist team about your specific needs and we can help find the right candidate for you, or alternatively you can search for listed domestic staff on our recruitment pages here.