How To Improve Your Home With Love

By The Team at Kebbell

Many of us are using our time at home during this period of self-isolation to get organised in our homes and to take on minor house projects. If you are thinking of selling your home, then it is even more important to get the house looking it’s best before you invite potential buyers in. Here are some of our team’s top ideas on how to start an early Spring clean and dare we say it, enjoy improving your home with your family over the next few weeks. There is no better way to make the time pass more quickly than by staying busy and using your time at home for something positive.

Create a mood board and design a scheme based on the colours, patterns and shapes you love.  Look in your wardrobe - what colours do you wear? These colours may be a good basis for some ideas for your home decor too.  Do you like warm or cool colours, bright or muted?  In terms of style what is important to you - is it purely visual, or are you drawn to auditory stimulus such as wind chimes, or is it a sense of touch and therefore really textures that are important to you?  What do you genuinely love – perhaps travel or cooking, how can you incorporate these?

Create a gorgeous feature wall – Use a striking paint colour or wallpaper to create a new focal point and transform a room – take a look at colour therapy resources online and Pinterest for ideas.  If you are really in the mood to paint, when has there ever been a better time to give the whole house a refresh?!  Just don’t try and do everything at once.  Don’t let it become a draining chore.  Take your time.

Go green – Many indoor plants like Asparagus Fern, Peace Lily and Aloe Vera can be divided and transplanted to create new plants. Indoor plants are a lovely way to freshen the air in your home and studies show they improve feelings of wellbeing. Plants make a room look exotic and lush. Grow basil, parsley and coriander and have fun growing edible plants on the kitchen windowsill with your children.

Lift your mood with sparkling surfaces and windows – Clean, sparkling surfaces such as worktops, bathroom taps and windows can be easily achieved by a good scrub. Clean windows will make an instantaneous difference to light levels in your home and getting them to shine is a great workout!

Fragrance your home with delicious smells – Dried homemade potpourri is a lovely project to do with your children.  You can use different flowers, herbs, spices and fruit to make your own custom fragrance and display in beautiful bowls in your home. What about a zesty lemon and rosemary combination for Spring?

Time for a cathartic de-clutter – Homes that are organised, with minimal clutter look classy and sophisticated and are more restful to live in, improving your wellbeing.  Think Marie Kondo – does each item spark joy?  It is quite a useful way to look at things! Room by room, declutter cupboards and drawers, worktops and surfaces.  It will make your home look bigger, more elegant and it will feel so satisfying! You can’t go to the tip or recycling centre right now so make sure you have somewhere out of the way to put things ready to go straight out once they re-open. 

New stylish storage solutions – Browse magazines or go online for ideas. Can you make a window seat with storage underneath?  Or put up some new shelves to create open storage using rustic wood or sleek white depending on the look you are going for.  Repurposed wooden crates make great storage boxes or shelves and look stylish in country style homes. Find unused baskets and repurpose them to create bathroom or cosmetics solutions, organise all your stationery or find unused baskets and repurpose them to create bathroom or cosmetics solutions, organise all your stationery or store firewood.

So there you have it, 7 top tips for revamping your home!

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