I'm at a crossroads in my life

Dear Patricia Marie,

I am feeling very miserable, anxious and bored. Indeed, at a crossroads in my life, trying to decide whether to move home, stay with my partner, change jobs, everything really.  One of my friends suggested I go to see a clairvoyant who may be able to tell me the right thing to do. I am feeling extremely stuck, and desperately need some help in making decisions, but am not sure whether I would just be wasting my time. How do I know what they tell me is not just made-up nonsense? Do you think I should go?

 Patricia Marie says...

When we feel unhappy with our lot, be it in our relationships, career, health or other matters, we can either be inspired to make different choices or become paralysed with fear. It seems you are feeling overwhelmed at this moment, and panicking, wanting to alter your life overnight. However, making hasty decisions yourself or from the advice of others will be sure to bring, not contentment, but chaos to your already turbulent emotions. 

The purpose of a clairvoyant is not to tell you what to do, but to highlight the choices you have before you, and give you a psychic insight to what could happen if you take different paths.  However, you will need to have a little faith that your chosen clairvoyant can help guide you, so I suggest that if possible you visit a reputable one who is recommended to you. Naturally there are no guarantees, but if your psychic were to convey to you that in the not too distant future things are expected to turn out well, it could encourage you to take charge of your life. It's often a small change that can make a huge difference and become the catalyst for further positive shifts in one's lifestyle. 

You could benefit greatly by embarking on some professional help such as Relate to help with your faltering relationship, counselling to explore your discontentment, and a meeting with a recruitment agency to explore alternative career opportunities. You are wanting to move, but if you are merely running from your problems, most, if not all, will still remain unless you address them, and work towards solutions. 

Whilst you are at this crossroads, it could be helpful to receive guidance, whether it be from a clairvoyant, or any other source, but ultimately, making our own decisions can be empowering, and one of the most satisfying lessons in life. 

Patricia Marie, our Agony Aunt, wants to hear your problems, dilemmas, and quarrels. Just email them to patricia.marie@lady.co.uk
