
Improve your health and wellbeing naturally

Improve your health and wellbeing naturally with GUNA Lifestyle

Guna Lifestyle, a range of 15 cutting-edge physiological nutraceuticals specially formulated to work in innovative ways to stimulate the immune system and support the gastrointestinal system, is now available in the UK.  

For 35 years the Italian based company Guna has been promoting a healthy lifestyle based on prevention and natural treatments. Central to its philosophy is a belief that the use of appropriate nutraceutical products designed to stimulate the immune system can contribute to achieving and maintaining physical and mental well-being and emotional balance. The success of the company’s range of products, across Europe, is testament to this belief.

This exciting new range is mainly focused on the gastrointestinal system, which as well as having a leading role in the absorption of nutrients and water, also acts as a defensive barrier against external agents and works to keep the whole body healthy.  

The range comprises:

ProFlora: supports gut health

Enzyformula: help support the body’s digestive processes

Colostrononi: helps promote gastrointestinal health

Vitformula: a well-balanced multivitamin

Profem plus: helps to support the delicate physiological balance of women in menopause 20 sachets £32.53

Omegaformula: helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

Ferroguna: helps improves the bioavailability of iron to prevent fatigue and tiredness.

Gunabasic: helps regulate pH levels and energy balance

Tonicoguna: to help with periods of tiredness and fatigue

Gunabrain: for brain health and function.

Gunaminoformula: can help maintain the regulation of body weight.

Gunaminoformula sport: for the health of amateur and professional athletes

Gunaelmint: for the different phases of intestinal parasite infestation.

Epatoguna: For healthy liver function

Omeotoxnoni: Designed to support the respiratory system

(Prices start at £12 for a month’s supply)

Optimum health is based on a healthy diet combined with physical activity and good and simple habits so GUNA has outlined the ten ‘rules’ that characterise the GUNA Lifestyle and which complement the new range:  

  1. Eat healthy foods, good quality and organically produced if possible. 
  2. Make moderate use of foods that could cause inflammation and malabsorption such as refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, fried foods, foods processed with preservatives or dyes.
  3. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
  4. Avoid eating too much before bedtime.
  5. Drink at least one litre and a half of water daily.
  6. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to help eliminate toxins and to fight against the excess cortisol caused by stress
  7. Learn to breathe deeply and evenly
  8. Try to go to bed early.  Avoid watching TV or use digital devices before going to sleep. 
  9. Don’t dwell on the negative.  Keep an open mind and concentrate on positive thoughts.  Train your brain
  10. Be aware of your part in our interdependent network of relationships.  Every action we take has an impact; act with respect to your peers and try to make ‘good’ everyday life choices.  How we treat each other and our environment is crucial.


    All Guna food supplements are GMO free.For more information about the GUNA Lifestyle range and to buy online visit: 

Use code TSGUNA1 to receive 10% off all purchases until 31st August 2020