A few things, but right now it’s Dancing On Ice. We are about to start the ninth and final series. It’s exciting, but sad as well.
When were you at your happiest?
Some of the best times are when I’m on the ice.
What is your greatest fear?
Getting stuck in a lift. I’m quite claustrophobic, I don’t like being in small spaces.
What is your earliest memory?
When I was little we had a delivery of coal every week and sometimes little chunks would be left outside – and I used to eat it. I remember getting told off .
Is there anything you dislike about yourself?
I can be disorganised. I get frustrated because I like to be organised. I’m usually running around like
Who has been your greatest influence?
Early in our skating career, Chris and I were hugely influenced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers; we used to enjoy watching the old movies.
What is your most treasured possession?
Other than my children, my ice skates. I also treasure the medal that I won at the Olympics in 1984; that is something really super-special.
What trait do you most deplore in others?
When people are impolite; not saying please and thank you, that kind of thing. I get mad at that.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
I’ve always wished that I could be a couple of inches taller.
What is your favourite book?
A children’s book called Giraff es Can’t Dance. It’s poignant because it’s about all the animals dancing, and giraffes are not the most elegant, and not known for dancing. The message was that some people dance to a different tune, so some people are different and we have to respect that. A friend gave it to me as a gift and I’ve read it to my son and daughter quite a lot.
Your favourite film?
The Sound Of Music.

Favourite piece of music?
I’ve got to say Boléro.
And favourite meal?
Chicken Sunday roast.
Who would you most like to come to dinner?
Fred Astaire would be great, he must have been a character. David Beckham and his wife. And Prince William and Kate, they’d be lots of fun.
What is the nastiest thing anyone has ever said to you?
Most people are nice to me, really.
What is your secret vice?
Last year on the show we had an Olympic boxer [Luke Campbell]. I’d done some boxing during gym sessions, and I went to watch him and I enjoyed it. I don’t like people getting hurt but when you see the skill, it’s interesting how fast they are. They train hard to get super-fit. Both times I went to see him he was only in the ring for a minute because he’s so good.
Do you write thank-you notes?
I used to, but now I text, which is really awful, isn’t it?
Which phrase do you most overuse?
‘Well done’. When you’re working with people all the time, you want to encourage them.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
Having more time to do everything.
Tell us something we don’t know about you.
I'm not bad at making cakes. I like chilled lemon flan.
What would you like your epitaph to read?
‘I had a good life.’
Jayne appears on the Dancing On Ice Final Live Tour from 28 March:
Jayne Torvill is the face of Cal-in+ yogurts and dairy drinks.