Review: Wax In The City
Common objections to this sort of treatment (on whichever body part you so choose) is that it is much less swift that shaving, and much more painful. However, a new salon may just have come up with a solution to both of these cosmetic conundrums.
Wax In The City is a German export (having originated 10 years ago in Berlin) and it opened its first London branch in Chelsea last year. Whereas with most salons you have to book well in advance, and then carve out at least 30 minutes from your schedule, Wax In The City offers a walk-in service and has you back out on the street (so to speak) quicker than you can say ‘hold your breath’.
The salon space is bright and airy, with a big basement area containing twelve cubicles. They are minimalist and very no nonsense (think a single treatment table, a lone cabinet and a bright light illuminating every single hair) and also spotlessly clean, which always help to win confidence. My lovely ‘Dipiliadora’, Victoria, also demonstrated a typical German efficiency to the task in hand. She applied the wax carefully but swiftly, chatting away as she ripped it off so that I barely noticed.

Another reason for the pleasant lack of pain is Wax In The City’s special wax formulation. Hot Wax (the type which dries on the skin enabling it to be peeled off, rather than having to use fabric or paper strips to do so) is worth opting for in whichever salon you frequent, because it is much less likely to take off the delicate top layer of skin along with the hair. Wax In The City’s is especially good because it is infused with beeswax, which softens and soothes the skin, leaving is much less irritated. Usually after waxing, I am left with tiny little red pin pricks on the skin which are visible for at least a day. After Wax In The City, these had disappeared within a matter of hours.
Price wise, it’s on the upper end, ringing in at £55 for a full-leg treatment and £47 for the very in-vogue Hollywood. Whenever I’ve tried to go cheaper I’m invariably left with a few straggling hairs. Here, you really do leave as smooth as a billiard ball (which, let’s face it, is the whole point).
Waxing which is pain-free, effective and speedy to boot? It's almost enjoyable. Nevermind the walk-ins, I’ll be running to Wax In The City for my next appointment.