'It takes time to see results that are worth having and no five-day plan can transform your body or lifestyle,' says Louise. 'However, these simple tips can be incorporated over a five-day period (or weekly if you want to take it slowly) and as you keep the habits alive, your body will respond beautifully by shedding unwanted body fat and increasing metabolism boosting muscle tone.
'Remember that we are aiming for true habit changers and so each step is intended to last indefinitely and not just for the initial five days. Once your new habits are set, your body will adapt and you won’t need to ‘diet’ again. Won't that be amazing?'
Follow Louise's expert tips below and watch your figure transform before your eyes...
Consume your low GI (think whole and brown) carbohydrates in the morning and focus on lean proteins with plenty of seasonal vegetables and salads for lunch and your evening meal. This will fuel your muscles and allow your body to tap into fat reserves to sculpt a leaner body.
Learn to be snack-smart. Snacking will actually keep your metabolism elevated and regulate your appetite so that your meals remain delicate. Combine a little bit of protein, healthy fats and some carbohydrate mid morning and afternoon (an apple and 12 almonds is perfect). We’re aiming for three delicate meals per day, with two snacks so that you never go more
than 4 hours without a little metabolism boosting meal.
Whilst trying to lose weight, don't drink your calories. Diet pitfalls include alcohol and juices – even if they are organic. Wine contains sugars that your body will store as fat and will dramatically slow down your weight loss efforts. Limit your intake to two glasses per week and cut out fruit juices and smoothies. Instead, focus on drinking up to 2 litres a day of mineral water, flavoured with slices of fresh lime, lemon, cucumber and mint. Steep herbal teas overnight, sweeten with stevia and keep as cordial in the fridge. Pour over ice for a refreshing drink at any time of day.
A ‘sugar sanction’ is absolutely essential if you want to lose excess body fat in a way that is swift, simple and easy. My clients ditch all high GI carbohydrates(white flour, potatoes and pasta), tropical fruit, fruit juices and alcohol in favour of nutritionally rich but lower GI fruit and vegetables. Flavour yoghurt and smoothies with zero GI stevia (I love Truvia) for a naturally sweet taste without the blood sugar level spikes associated with sugar. This is the one habit of my method that you cannot ignore if you want the body you had in your thirties. The benefits of giving up sugar are endless and we regularly notice that our clients look ten years younger after following this principle for a few months. The best bit? Sugar stimulates your appetite so a sugar free diet will be the easiest that you've tried in years.
Choose one option from breakfast, two snacks, lunch and evening meal every day and keep a diet diary to record your progress.BREAKFAST
Summer berry Bircher
Soak overnight 170g of 0% Greek Yoghurt, 50g of frozen summer berries, ½ teaspoon
stevia, 1 tablespoon of organic jumbo oats, juice of 1 small nectarine. Top with 4
toasted walnuts or 1 tablespoon of toasted sliced almonds.
Feta omlette
2 whole eggs (whisked) and made into an omelette with 1 tablespoon of peas, with 1
tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese or Parmesan. Add pepper to taste. Serve with
one grilled Portobello mushroom.
Eggs and solider with asparagus
Soft boil 2 eggs and serve with 1 slice of wholemeal bread, cut into soldiers, and 10
steamed asparagus spears. Serve with 2 grilled plum tomatoes
To be eaten am or pm:
1 apple or pear and 15 almonds
1 mini pot of hummus with handful of sugar snap peas and 2 mini oat cakes
2 mini oatcakes topped with 2 tablespoons of hummus and 2 whole walnuts
2 mini oatcakes topped with 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter
Chopped chicken salad
Finely chop a handful of mint, handful of flat leaf parsley, handful of coriander, 4
medium tomatoes, 2 cups of cooked broccoli, 2 inch of cucumber, 1-2 spring onions
and a baked chicken breast. Season with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, ½ juice of fresh
lemon, salt and pepper.
Skinny nicoise
Combine 1 baby gem lettuce, 1 cup of cooked French beans, 1 soft boiled egg,
150g of tinned albacore tuna, 8 black olives, 10 cherry tomatoes, 3 inch’s of
cucumber, 1 cup of cooked broccoli florets, ¼ cup of cannellini beans. Dress with 1
tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and juice of ½ a fresh lemon.
Goat's cheese salad with beetroot and pine nuts
Add 80g of soft goats cheese to a salad of young leaf spinach, 3 inch’s cucumber, 12
cherry tomatoes, 2 sliced balls of beetroot, 1 cup of cooked broccoli. Top with ½
tablespoon of toasted pine nuts. Dress with 1 tablespoon of walnut oil and juice of ½
lemon, salt and pepper. Serve with 2 mini oatcakes.
Sesame tuna steak and Asian vegetables
Brush a fillet of tuna steak with groundnut oil and dip both sides in sesame seeds. Pan
fry in 2 teaspoons of groundnut oil until brown on each side. Serve with either 2
portions of steamed vegetables or 2 green vegetables stir fried in 2 teaspoons of
sesame oil, garlic and ginger. Add ½ tablespoon of reduced salt soya sauce to taste.
Chilli prawn stir fry
Pan fry in ½ tablespoon of groundnut oil, garlic and ginger the following: 100g of
prawns, ½ red and ½ yellow pepper, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of mange tout and 1
cup of bok-choy. Add 1 tablespoon of reduced salt soya sauce. Serve with extra
green vegetables, sprinkled with ½ teaspoon of toasted sesame seeds.
Salmon parcels with spring veggies
Wrap 100g salmon fillet in a foil parcel, adding ¼ cup of peas, 4 baby courgettes
sliced, 1 cup of mange tout and 6 cherry tomatoes. Add 1 capful of good dry white
wine and 1 capful of vegetable stock and pepper. Bake until tender and serve with
½ large bag of wilted spinach or kale.
Final thoughts The Louise Parker Method is about shaping the mind-set as much as the body to ensure that your results will last a lifetime. Use this five-day plan as an introduction to the method, which really needs to be a way of life, rather than a ‘quick fix’ diet. Once you’ve reached your goal, you can incorporate celebratory meals at least two or three times a week, as long as you continue to be really active on a daily basis.
NEXT WEEK - Louise Parker's Five Day Kickstart: Fitness
The Louise Parker Method has been ‘a little black book’ society secret for over twenty years. Louise’s signature programmes ‘The Intensive’ and ‘The Optimum Weight Loss Programme’ intelligently combine the three secrets to her method: the mind-set to changing lifelong habits,the Louise Parker diet method and her metabolism boosting workout method. Her 40-strongteam train you in the privacy of your own home, whilst programmes are monitored and supported weekly by her Dieticians at the Belgravia practice on Eaton Gate. The Optimum Weight Loss Programme is available worldwide and has a huge international following. Programmes start from £1,699. www.louiseparker.uk.com 0800 084 2828