Part-time Domestic Housekeeper

​The part-time family Housekeeper

  • 9am – Start in the kitchen and clear away breakfast things, clean the kitchen and put the dishwasher on. Check for laundry, put the washing machine on. Tidy living rooms, hallway, study and dining rooms and hoover, dust, polish where required.  
  • 11am – Tidy bedrooms and put away any clothes, make beds or change bedlinen, hoover, dust and polish. Clean bathrooms and ensure stairs are hoovered and dusted.
  • 1pm – Hang out any washing or put in the tumble dryer. Iron, prepare evening meal (family meal) if required. Run any errands.
  • Finish at 3pm.

How do you organise your time efficiently?

Throughout my day I am always prioritising, if I need to run errands I will do this when I cannot do other jobs (ie waiting for the washing to dry).

Sometimes I will pick up groceries on my way to the house and go to the dry cleaners/post office on my way home.  

I tend to take a mid-morning break but am always mindful that I must get on.  

My clients are out at work all day so I tend to have the radio on in the kitchen to keep me company.


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