Snoring your way to divorce?



24rd April 2019 – New research today reveals that a whopping two thirds (65%) of Brits admit to being woken up by someone else in their household snoring, unfairly interrupting their sleep. Sixty-eight per cent blame their partner for their sleepless nights, and on average they are disturbed by their partners’ noises 152 nights a year.

The new study of 2,000 Brits from fair online casino PlayOJO reveals that snoring is damaging relationships – a fifth (18%) argue regularly about it.  A quarter (26%) have physically pushed their other half as a result of hearing their sleepy grunts and one in ten (10%) have yelled at them. After being at the end of their tether, almost a third (30%) admit to sleeping in a separate room from their partner due to the snoring.

And for some it’s gone downhill fast – nearly a quarter of men (24%) have broken up with a (now ex) partner over their snoring habits, compared to just 10% of women who have resorted to splitting up with their other halves over the issue. And a shocking twelve per cent have even cited snoring as a reason for divorcing their partner.

And it’s not just relationships that are suffering - snoring is also affecting Brits mood (38%), levels of concentration (16%) and performance at work (13%). And for around 2.8 million (2,812,240) Brits*, a sleepless night from snoring is also affecting their sex drive.

It’s not only snoring that keeps Brits up at night though, with over a third (37%) admitting that ‘life worries’ stopped them from sleeping properly, followed by money issues (23%), family stress (21%) and work stress (18%).

A spokesperson for PlayOJO, who are challenging the UK online casino market by being fair and transparent, said: “Twenty-three per cent of those surveyed think it’s unfair that their partner snores excessively and we feel their pain. It’s not fair that some of us are kept up at night and that’s why we’re launching a search for Britain’s worst snorers and rewarding them and their partners – and we can’t wait to hear and see the snores.” 

Whether you sleep with snorer – PlayOJO is asking people to share snoring clips of their loved ones on social media. Simply post a sound or video clip up to 30 seconds long on your social channels and tag @PlayOJO with the hashtag #snorechestra. Everyone that enters the PlayOJO competition will receive a free pair of earplugs and every entry will go into a prize draw to win a well-deserved spa break getaway and one on one sessions with a sleep expert.

Plus, the online casino is going to turn all the snores shared into a professionally produced piece of music, mixed by Little Mix producer Aubrey Whitfield – creating a ‘Snorechestra’. The composition will be available to download, with proceeds from sales of the track going to Hope2Sleep, who support patients with sleep disordered breathing. Keep an eye on the PlayOJO social channels for more details of the Snorechestra and the track launch date next month. 

Kath Hope, Founder & CEO of Hope2Sleep added: "Everyone is entitled to a good night’s sleep, and we’re committed to supporting people to get the safe restful sleep they deserve. We support people with all kinds of sleep disordered breathing (of which sleep apnoea is the most common), so anyone who is helping to raise awareness of snoring and the impact it can have on lives, we’re happy to support - and we’re delighted that track sales will be donated to our charity too.”

Video or sound clips of snores can be submitted directly on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #Snorechestra, with a post detailing why they believe their submission is worthy of a place in the Snorechestra. Entrants can also direct message PlayOJO or email with the clips. Find out more at