
Writing your Will

If you are looking for information about legal issues, particularly if you or a loved one are affected by dementia, Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, can help.

Is it time you made or updated your Will?

A Will is one of the most important documents in a person’s life, and is the only way to ensure your wishes are carried out. It also makes it easier for loved ones to take care of your estate, knowing they are acting on your wishes.

Writing a Will doesn’t have to be complicated

Making a Will is a lot more straightforward than people think. For a simple Will, you should be able to get everything arranged in a single solicitor’s appointment. You’ll just need a rough list of your assets and how you’d like them to be distributed, along with the addresses of your beneficiaries.

It’s sensible to review your Will every five years and after any major life event, such as buying a new house or the birth of a child. Marriage invalidates any previous Will, so you will need to write a new one if you marry or re-marry.

Are you or a loved one affected by dementia?

Having dementia doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unable to write a Will. As long as you can understand the effect of making a Will, the nature and value of your assets, and who will receive those assets, you can still make a Will. Your solicitor will be able to assess whether you have testamentary capacity and may consult a medical professional.

Setting up Powers of Attorney is a good way to ensure someone you trust can make decisions on your behalf if you reach a point in the future where you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. People often believe they won’t need a Power of Attorney until they are elderly, however, unforeseen circumstances, such as accidents or illness, can arise so having one in place could protect you in the future.

At Alzheimer’s Research UK, we have put together some informational videos and factsheets around some of the questions you might have regarding Wills, Powers of Attorney and planning for future care.

What do gifts in Wills mean to Alzheimer’s Research UK?

Gifts in Wills fund one third of our groundbreaking research projects into causes, preventions and a cure for dementia. They offer hope to our children, grandchildren and future generations of a world free from the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.

Visit our website to find out more about leaving a gift to dementia research, or contact the Gifts in Wills team on 01223 896 606 or